So much has happened since I last wrote on this blog. I guess the first major thing is that the lease on our old office ran out. We tried to find a new office together, but ultimately we all went our separate ways. Sev and I banded together and turned my detached garage into a studio and we've been working out of there since the middle of 2016.
I started Workbench at the end of 2015 and Sev joined shortly after. From 2016-2019 we made a tutorial a week for a grand total of 200. Through that we've met our good friend, Andrew Embury. And he, Mikey Borup, and I spoke at Keyframes in 2019. I also met one of my heroes, Aharon Rabinowitz, who was the keynote speaker—and his keynote was excellent. We still update Workbench as frequently as we can, and we continue to provide monthly files to our patrons.
Later that year we shot a mini-doc in Mallorca with a professor from my alma mater—Bogdan P. Onac. A few months after we wrapped in Mallorca, we filmed in New Mexico with him to cover the dating of the samples they obtained in Mallorca. On that trip, we shot some preliminary footage for a possible documentary on a lava tube in New Mexico—traveling with the park rangers to get to it in a remote location.
And along the way we've made tons of motion graphics pieces, and have been improving our skills as we've gone along. So now, we update our 2014 reel to feature work up to 2020 so that you can see where we are now. Thanks for following along with us, and we hope to bring you more frequent updates.